ShareTrip B2B

Bangladesh’s most comprehensive

B2B portal for You

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Why ShareTrip?

Best price, Customizable Interface, Largest Inventory


Best Rates

We find the best sources/suppliers for airfare and accommodation worldwide, and partner with them to get you the best deal.



Select and Book your preferred flight and hotel from thousands of options


Multiple Payment Methods

Flexible payment methods. Pay with your debit or credit card, mobile banking & bank account.


Accommodation across the world


Worldwide suppliers


Direct Contracts

We Offer

Best price, Customizable Interface, Largest Inventory


User-Friendly Booking Engine

Our vast experience in travel service over the years helped us in making a convenient booking engine. Simply put in your details and get easy access to worldwide inventory and services.


24 hour Backend Services

Get 24 hour assistance in providing superior service to your valued clients. Our experts are here to help you grow.


Customizable Interface

We offer a highly customizable interface for you. With our B2B portal, your dashboard will truly be yours.

Remarkable Support

Best price, Customizable Interface, Largest Inventory


24/7 Assistance

Our support center is always ready to guide you through any difficulties in booking. We will be waiting to hear from you.

Need More?

Not just flight and hotel, we promise to give you an all-round service. Need visa assistance? Tours? Transfers? Just contact your ShareTrip Representative.

Personalized Support

Designated ShareTrip Representatives are always there to help you if you face any issues. We value your association with us.

Got any question?

Fill in the form and we will reach out you.